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Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Poem About Roxanne

Her head is the size of a cantelope but shaped like a pear
Atop her head rests a nest of slippery metallic hair
It is usually a mess, but she doesn't seem to cair

The best way to describe her eyes is "pure"
No wrinkles, crusties, or redness for sure
This is probably her most tempting lure

Spider leg lashes flicker when she winks
An auqua watercolored puddle disappears when she blinks
But nothing is sweeter than her birdy beek lips of pink

Occasionally out of her lips comes the sound of a guitar out of tune
But usually she just whispers like a butterfly coming from its cacoon
Light reflects off her wet puckers like the sun reflects off the moon

She knows she is beautiful but never strikes a pose
Cause she is protective of her beauty and it shows
I pray her luster wont become dull as she grows


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is as beautiful as her mother. My son is trully a lucky man.

Anonymous said...

 Dont chase me ! ! !
  Fuck you ! !
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