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Monday, March 17, 2008

Suburbic Brainwash Syndrome

Last night, as I was driving to Dr. Sketchy's, in downtown Denver, the sun was actually still up due to the recent daylightsavingstime (yes that is one word). I could actually see all of the beautiful refreshing scenery that downtown always provides. I passed the sculpture park and the capitol building, and I began thinking that my children hardly ever drive into the city with me, and perhaps their little moldable brains are beginning to think that everything is grey and square and undamaged, the way it is in Highlands Ranch. This depressed me. Maybe I am accidentally passively brainwashing my kids. That's when I decided that I must make it a goal to get my children out of the suburbs atleast once a week. We will either go inward to the city, or outward toward nature, but either way we've got to get to a place where the shapes and colors and smells are more diversified than they are here on the outskirts. They ought to be seeing homeless people, abandoned buildings, art, things 50 years or older, things that stink, things that bite, and most importantly, things that are different from us. I'll start tomorrow.


Naomi Haverland said...

I think it's better for kids to be raised in the ghetto than to be raised in the suburbs. That's why your kids are so sweet. It's gotta be making you a stronger person in some way too.

The AB club said...

I didn't want to loose my parking spot on the street so tonight we walked the two blocks to the grocery store. Not a big deal, except this was my major grocery shopping. So I found a shopping cart in our apartment complex and walked it to and from the store. It was easier than loading and unloading the car, but pushing a full cart of groceries home is really not that easy. It's these type of experiences I wish my kids would remember. Next time I'll take a picture and put it on my blog.

Naomi Haverland said...

Oh. My. Gosh. When you start stealing grocery carts, you know you've gone ghetto. Way to go, Becca!!!