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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Roxy Creates
I aspired to teach Roxanne her ABCs this summer which proved to be a difficult task. She did mastered the letter E, but not too many other letters, despite
constant conversations about them. However, while her alphabetical skills have not quite flourished this summer, her artistic skills have blossoms more vibrantly than the flowers she plucks from our yard to wear behind her ear. Maybe she will be the eccentric illiterate type.

Here are some of my favorite pieces of artwork from Roxanne this summer (although it was incredibly hard to narrow it down to just five).

Above is a drawing of Roxanne's family. I am not sure who is who.

This is supposedly a picture of me. I'm not sure why I am sad and crying and if this is how she typically envisions me, but it's still cute anyways. Thanks for the great boobs, Roxy!

This is a picture of herself with a flower nose and flower hands and feet.


This one is my personal favorite. I call it "The Puking Egg". Not sure what it means but Roxanne laughed hard while she was painting it, and laughs now everytime she sees it.

This one is kindof scary to me. The only explanation Roxanne gave for it was that it is a girl, because it has eye lashes.


Cassie said...

oh my.
i have to say, i am feeling a sense of relief after reading this post. how old is roxy?
my nalani is 4 (5 in october). i too, decided she needs to learn her ABC's this year. i even had a "letter of the day" posted in the kitchen. it quickly turned into the "letter of the week" and she still could not get it down. i'd ask her 15 minutes after we talked about it what the letter N was and she'd look at me and smile and raise her eyebrows with a questioning look and say "A???". nope. it's N. that's ok lani, go back to your art work...as i run to google "reading disorder signs". :)
really, she is my little artist. she does not CARE what letter it is. but nothing brings her more joy than presenting me with a paper covered in an array of colors and designs...rainbows, bugs, sunshine, a house. she loves it. so we'll go with it. just hoping her teacher next year is floored by her artistic abilities and NOT her lack of letter knowledge!
i think roxy and lani would be the best of friends in their little fairy worlds!

Cassie said...

by the way...
i would like roxy to do a drawing of me...maybe she could give me a great set of boobs as well. not so great in real life, after 3 kids and 3 years of nursing! :)

also, your blog is nalani's favorite. she loves to look at all your art and the kids' too.

your paintings from your most recent art show looked even better hanging on the walls there. i had no idea in your original post that they were so 3 dimensional. very impressive indeed!

Naomi Haverland said...

Cassie, Roxanne will be 5 in September, so our two girls are pretty close in age! It is encouraging to hear you were going through the same thing teaching the ABCs. I never had to teach Rocket his ABCs- he just knew them- like it was instinctual or something. But with Roxanne, it seems like the more effort I put into teaching them to her, the less letters she knows. But I suppose we have a whole year before Kindergarten to get them down... Let me know if you discover any magic teaching methods!
And tell Nalani that it feels good to have a long distance fan of my art! It makes me feel like a celebrity. Heh!

Cassie said...

yes, brigg had most of his letters, numbers and colors nailed down by age 2. i think he may be an accountant or something someday. i do love that they are so very different, but i must say i have been a bit worried about the school years ahead of here. teachers are not always ready to handle all the different learning styles in a classroom. i'll let you know if i figure out the magic trick. i think i pushed to hard, so we're taking a break. the other day she was coloring some bubble letters and i asked her to do something for me. she said, "Just a minute. Let me finish coloring this 'G'." and then a look of shock came across her face. she said, "Mom...IS this a G?" YES!!! 10 minutes later i asked her if she remembered what that letter was. she smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "E?" oh my.

Anonymous said...

Roxanne's art is lovely - colorful, sassy, and original...just like her mom's. I like the puking egg too!
Don't panic or fret about the abc learning stuff...kids learn at their own pace, and we can't force it. She'll get it - in due time. Keep encouraging her, and just keep it fun.
I think 2nd born kids like to make us crazy by being SOOOO different from our 1st borns...in some ways good (Ian NEVER slept, Cole was a good sleeper), and in other ways, its more of a challenge (Ian started talking really early, Cole didn't see the need in being verbal until much later. We even checked his hearing.) So Roxy just marches to her own little time table-drummer.

Naomi Haverland said...

Yes, I too worry about Roxanne's self esteem after entering school. I think God knew what he was doing when he decided to give her a completely non-perfectionist mother. I just pray he finds some teachers for her that won't wring her neck!